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September Live Female Event Report

As the world continues to struggle in the face of 18 months of the global pandemic, the joys of Monica’s Wrestling Centre and her legendary lives shows continue to provide some much needed tonic.

It was live event time again and we certainly delivered with nine exciting, pulsating and truly memorable matches between some utterly gorgeous and talented grapplers, who delivered big time once again.

Obviously, travelling restrictions meant those based overseas were unfortunately unable to make it over but, as you will see, there were plenty of UK based fighters who were ready to kick some butt between the squared circle that is Monica’s Ring of Pain.

Just look at the line up: Ivy Rain, Yui, Beth Bennett, Penny Banks, Alora Lux, Cheetah, Havocc bringing their best wrestling selves to the ring and metaphorically setting it alight with some jaw-dropping incredible bouts.

Some are obviously now established stars, others are rising up and ever improving. In the case of the exquisite Yui, she was not only making her live show debut but also her first steps in competitive matches anywhere! To say she took to it like a duck to water would be the understatement of the year!

We loved every second, the live crowd loved every second and the girls themselves loved every second.

And at the end of each of their matches, they were also able to showcase their arm-wrestling skills. Already this has become a much-loved bonus of our matches!

If you couldn’t be there in person, you missed out on an absolute pearler of a live show which will live long in the memories of all who were there.

But, fear not! As always, we captured every moment and you can enjoy the thrills and spills of MWC live show combat through these amazing clips! Buy them - you know you want to!

Match 1 Ivy Rain vs Yui

We always love to start Monica’s Wrestling Centre live shows with a bang and this year was no different as two beauties set the pulses racing right from the very start!

Gorgeous Ivy Rain is now someone who really needs no introduction having established herself as a bona fide rising star on the MWC roster with an ever growing fan base of her skills and assets.

But she found herself facing a whole new challenge in the wonderful shape of the Philippine bombshell Yui, who was competing in her first ever competitive match!

And from the second they locked up, we knew this was going to be one hell of a battle between two curvy beauties.

It was Ivy Rain who did the initial running and seemed to be in prime position for the first submission with a tight breast smother and body scissor combo.

But Yui had other ideas as she resisted and rolled around trying to find an escape route which eventually came allowing her to turn the tables and lock on her own body scissor.

They were exchanging punishing moves and demonstrating fabulous resilience as neither would give in!

The break in rounds didn’t seem to change much either as both Ivy and Yui fought with an insatiable desire and really showed off their considerable skills and powers for the excited crowd.

Their will to win was clear for all to see as they exchanged head locks, body scissors, face sits and head scissors amongst other moves.

Submissions were not going to be given easily and when the first one arrived you could see the delight and relief on the face of the beauty who’d earned it!

A couple more were exchanged to close out a fabulous fight between two strong talents! Ivy and Yui even treated us to a great arm wrestle afterwards!

Match 2 Beth Bennett vs Penny Banks

Excitement levels were sky high when the second match of the spectacular MWC September live show came around, featuring two stunners.

Beautiful Beth Bennett and exquisite Penny Banks have mastered other disciplines such as modelling and splosh and they are getting better and better each time they step into the squared circle.

Beth was making her first appearance in front of a live crowd while Penny only has one show under her belt but you wouldn’t have thought it as they locked up and went at it like seasoned professionals!

Both have curves in the right places although Beth has the size advantage and she seemed determined to use that as best she could. Penny wasn’t there to just lay down for her though and she fought hard herself to avoid the pain and go on her own attacks.

Such was the sheer effort and determination as they battled, we even had to have a break as Penny sportingly hooked Beth’s bra back up after it had inexplicably come undone! Wardrobe malfunctions are an occupational hazard!

But the main business was fighting and they wasted little time getting back to that - the first submission arriving via a breast smother.

As the fight continued, none of the intensity was lost as both girls seem permanently locked up in battle as the efforts increased and the sweat poured. Even further wardrobe malfunctions didn’t stop them!

There were body scissors, breast smothers, head locks, leg locks and a whole load of combinations as they both gave it their all looking for those all important submissions.

Both Penny and Beth fought hard right to the end and were locked in an intense struggle as the final bell sounded.

There was a delighted winner at the end of it but, of course, neither was finished as they engaged in an equally tough arm wrestle straight after!

Match 3 Alora Lux vs Cheetah

The third contest of the sizzling September MWC live show promised loads of fast paced thrills and spills and we certainly weren’t disappointed!

The Uber-sexy fighters Alora Lux and Cheetah have been wowing the fans for some considerable time with their exciting styles and so we couldn’t wait to see what they’d bring to Monica’s ring of pain.

It’s easy to forget these two are still relatively new to the sport due to their super skills, power and ability whenever they face off in a wrestling match.

Both Alora and Cheetah seemed hell bent on delivering for the punters and that is exactly what they did as soon as they got to grips with one another and started battling hard all over the ring, trying to get the upper hand.

The advantage switched from one girl to the next as they locked on moves only to fight their slippery opponent would find a way to escape when they looked totally trapped.

When the first submission eventually came for Alora - via a vicious body scissor - you could see how reluctant Cheetah was to give in while her rival looked ultra pleased with her work!

But Alora didn't have too much time to savour the moment as a determined Cheetah came back like a wildcard and levelled things up with her own nasty scissor!

The match continued at a frantic pace and it is clear these two were simply made to be rivals - such was the greatness of this match-up!

Head scissors, body scissors, pins, head locks, ankle locks and a whole load of pain and effort - these two gave it their all in search of victory!

Both Alora and Cheetah treated us to an edge-of-the-seat classic which was won by the narrowest margins! Better still, we got to see them arm wrestle after this epic too!

Match 4 Havoc vs Yui

Well, as soon as we paired these two fabulous fighters up against one another, we just knew we were in for an exciting and intriguing encounter!

Havocc travelled down from north of the border to showcase her immense talent in her first ever Monica’s Wrestling Centre live show.

And her first match saw her go up against the delightful Yui, who was appearing in only her second competitive wrestling match ever! Both ladies had something to prove and, boy, did both of these two beauties set out to do so!

And, for those of us watching, Havoc and Yui represented a match made in heaven as they matched each other for strength and fought hard to try to get the advantage over one another during three pulsating rounds of exceptional wrestling.

They executed body scissors, head locks, bear hugs, head scissors, breast smothers and combination holds on one another and yet still they fought hard to not just resist but to then escape and amount an attack of her own!

Every time it looked as if one of Havoc and Yui was in a position where a submission was there for the taking, they would dig deep and fight hard.

This was proper back and forth wrestling with two exciting talents showing off just exactly how badass they are on the mats or in the ring.

The determination and will to resist was strong in both of these warriors and when they eventually did trade submissions, you just knew it was done with the utmost reluctance from the beaten foe!

As we approached the end, both Havoc and Yui dug deep to go even harder as they searched for a morale boosting and well deserved victory.

It was intense, it was hard fought and it was thrilling! They even put the icing on the cake with a little arm wrestle afterwards!

Match 5 Beth Bennett vs Cheetah

“They are both very blonde and they are both very beautiful” - the referee was spot on as he introduced these two awesome ladies but he could also have added “they are both very brilliant”!

Because that is what Beth and Cheetah are. The curvy powerhouse model and the quick and determined wildcat! We couldn’t wait for these two to rip it up!

It was their second match on this Monica’s Wrestling Centre September show spectacular but they looked fresh and seemed itching to get it on as if they hadn’t had a fight for years!

Right from the start, as they sized each other up and tried to get to grips with one another, you could tell this was going to be fantastic!

Punishing moves such as headlocks and body scissors were applied and the squeeze applied to eye-watering levels but that just brought out the determination in both Beth and Cheetah as they resisted and tried to fight their way out of the predicament they found themselves in.

The first submission was well earned after a titanic tussle, that's for sure! But this opened the floodgates a little for one of the girls who soon started to exert her dominance over the other.

We saw plenty of head locks, guillotines and boy scissors and a lot of scrambling and determined efforts to try to resist the punishment. You could see and hear they were feeling it!

Beth and Cheetah continued to go for it though and there were some frantic efforts and exchanges, especially in the third and final round as they both tried to make their mark at the expense of the other.

They finished locked up in the midst of battle as they had spent most of the fight before the bell finally ended it! There was a clear winner by the end, as there was in the arm wrestle that followed!

Match 6 Cheetah v Penny Banks

The interval following the first half of the show certainly didn’t stop the quality and pulsating pace of Monica’s Wrestling Centre’s September 2021 show as we returned with this cracker.

Utterly gorgeous Cheetah took on the super sexy Penny in what looked as delicious an encounter as the two ladies looked in their fabulous attire!

They wasted little time in getting their hands on one another (you can’t blame them, can you?!) and soon we were being treated to some fast paced wrestling with first Cheetah and then Penny executing some painful moves.

As well as the skills, both of them also discovered that their opponent could dig deep and not just wave the white flag at the first sign of trouble - submissions weren’t going to come easily, especially in the earlier exchanges of the contest!

Indeed, it took some serious effort for the first submission to arrive with one of the ladies putting her strong legs to good use to execute a skull crushing head scissor.

This didn’t deter the victim though and the match continued at the same pace it began with both Cheetah and Penny doing a grand job of showing off just how good they are in the wrestling arena!

There were head scissors, head locks, cross body pins, breast smothers, body scissors, ankle locks, combination holds, bodies twisted up like pretzels and a hell of a lot of near misses and refusals to submit.

It was back and forth, there were “saved by the bell” moments and these two stunners gave it their all and left everything on the mats in pursuit of a fabulous victory!

It was hard fought and exciting right to the end where a narrow winner was declared. Not content with putting on a classic wrestling match, Cheetah and Penny then treated us to an epic arm wrestle! Absolutely wonderful!

Match 7 Beth Bennett vs Alora Lux

You want mouth-watering wrestling matches? Then mouth-watering wrestling matches are exactly what you’re going to get and this was one certainly fit that bill!

Beauties Beth Bennett and Alora Lux squared off in Monica’s Ring of Pain looking determined and drop dead gorgeous (but, of course) with their talent and curves in the right places on show.

Alora is as confident as she is beautiful and she has the skills to go with that while Beth is way more than a perfect face as her power and talent has proved time and time again.

As soon as they locked up, you could feel the tension and determination oozing from their entwined bodies - they are great sportswomen but neither wants to lose. That is obvious.

They jostled for position, they resisted attacks as best they could, they pressured, they squeezed and they also laughed - it was a match fought in a good competitive spirit after all!

Body scissors, bear hugs, head locks, guillotines, leg locks, pins and smothers - they were all on display as the excited crowd were treated to a magnificent spectacle thanks to both Beth and Alora.

They are both still technically rising stars in the scene but you wouldn’t guess it based on the talent they both possess and always demonstrate whenever they perform.

The intensity and effort from Beth and Alora never let up for one second and that just fed into the crowd who were transfixed and loving every second of this fight.

The pain and effort was etched all over their beautiful faces as the desire to win this titanic struggle overtook any other desire they might have in their lives!

It was intense right to the end. While there was a clear winner in terms of the score, it doesn’t tell the whole wonderful story of this contest. The arm wrestle afterwards was an added bonus too!

Match 8 Yui vs Penny Banks

The penultimate match of the fabulous Monica’s Wrestling Centre September to remember show was a corker and extremely intriguing to say the least.

Penny Banks is the Queen of WAM but getting better and better each time while everyone had forgotten Yui had never wrestled competitively before this show - such was the incredible impact of her performances earlier in the day.

They both looked excited to be getting their hands on one another and they both looked glorious as they got ready to rumble.

And as soon as they locked up in the centre of the ring, it was clear this was going to be one hell of an exciting struggle between two strong and determined fighters.

Yui and Penny were rolling around the ring trying to get into the dominant position and resisting some seriously painful looking holds for a long time.

The first submission took a long time to come but the girl on the receiving end wasn't perturbed and they were soon back to battling hard.

We saw them exchange an array of moves including head locks, leg locks, body scissors, grapevine pins, breast smothers, bear hugs and a variety of combinations as they searched for those much wanted tap outs!

You could hear them grunting and groaning through pain but also through the effort they were putting in - neither Yui or Penny was giving this up easily.

And there were more submissions along the way with both ladies tasting success as a reward for the sheer determination and skill they were showing.

The initiative swung back and forth and everyone in the crowd was caught up in the excitement of the contest.

By the end there was a clear winner but she had to work hard for it and both Yui and Penny deserved their applause after a tough fight! The post match arm wrestle was a little more decisive though!

Match 9 Ivy Rain vs Havoc

It’s a tradition for a Monica’s Wrestling Centre live show to end with a fabulous bang and this September show was certainly no different!

Ivy Rain and Havoc are as brilliant and glorious as they are easy on the eye and we were licking our lips in anticipation at what would unfold as soon as they finally went at it.

And sure enough, the early exchanges told us everything we needed to know about these two talents as they got to grips with one another and started rolling around the ring trying to exert their authority on one another.

Ivy seemed to have the early advantage but her Scottish foe is made of strong stuff and Havoc was soon fighting back after resisting the initial attacks.

The resilience and will to win of both these warriors was obvious and lesser wrestlers would have given in to the punishment being dished out far sooner than these two proud fighters were going to!

There were body scissors, head locks, guillotines, bear hugs, leg locks and combinations as they fought to the bell!

The intensity and brilliance didn’t slow down, even as round one became round two with these two badass babes matching each other every step of the way.

Both Ivy and Havoc shared smiles and jokes along the way but, make no mistake. They were there to win and neither was going to give in easily, which is why the first submission came deep into the fight.

This did nothing to stop the battle though as more submissions followed after some titanic tussling out in the middle!

It was edge-of-the-seat brilliance right to the end with more tap outs being exchanged and the fight going right to the wire. But who won? Download this live show classic to find out and enjoy their arm wrestle right afterwards!

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