There is no doubt that wrestlers and punters of Monica’s Wrestling Centre love a good party and they turned up ready to rock at the latest bash held at the venue! Such was the excitement and anticipation of the September 2023 Party that not even the latest train strike could keep people from heading over to Walthamstow in London to enjoy a real fantastic time. As ever, there was music pumping, tasty food and and drinks flowing but there is no doubting the real stars of the show - the lady wrestlers! Of course, Monica put together an incredible line-up featuring many favourites as well as a couple making the first appearances at one of her parties. The Referee stepped up to do his thing which initially saw him going through the rules and regulations and ensuring all the lucky men who had made it were up for having an absolutely fabulous time! He called the girls out one by one to join him in the brilliant Monica’s Wrestling Centre Ring Of Pain, which they did so with poise, grace and a hell of a lot of enthusiasm. The regulars came down in the shape of favourites such as Axel, Yui, Rosie, Autumn Rose, Bambi and Epiphany Jones - all of whom received the cheers they richly deserved. And there were two new girls joining the party who proved to be as exciting and talented as they looked from the second they appeared - SuperNova and Tiny Titaness! And if you want an example of how everyone wants to be at Monica’s for such a night - three other ladies in the shape of Rogue, London and Tamsin Riley managed to negotiate transport issues and make it to the venue to join in the fun and make their mark! As ever, the ladies are put through their paces during the rigorous warm up routine - this time leads by the enigmatic Yoga Mat, who got the howls of laughter he may or may not have wanted! Once they were done, it was time for action and the girls were sent out to find a man to get on the floor and schoolgirl pin - a little treat and taster of what was to come! This sparked lots of mini sessions which saw the punters put through their paces by the talented wrestlers either on the mats, in the confined space of the Mats of Doom Room or in the Ring of Pain itself. Basically every nook of cranny was filled with people grappling, Most of the time it was the super skilled ladies on top but there were the odd one or two even and hard fought contests happening too - these clips captured some seriously entertaining mixed wrestling! Of course, it would not be a Monica’s Wrestling Centre Party without a couple of games to bring added fun to the proceedings and people were treated to two old favourites during the event. There is the Scissor Circle where some of the girls show off the power of their legs and how hard they can squeeze their victims with their strong legs. And of course there is the thrilling Musical Facesits which is a rather quirky and amusing twist on the old musical chairs party game we all played when we were young! You can sense the sheer joy and fun each and everyone present was having throughout this truly special evening. If you were unable to make it for whatever reason then you are truly unlucky. But fortunately, the thrills and spills of the truly wonderful evening have been captured on these awesome clips! Enjoy!
