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Luna K Dominates Chicken Boy - Rematch

Writer: MonicaMonica

It’s fair to say that the infamous Chicken Boy Dave has taken a fair few bumps in his ‘illustrious’ mixed wrestling career so far!

But it’s hard not to conclude that most of those bumps were to his head as he keeps on showing up demanding rematches with girls who have royally kicked his butt in their first encounters!

On this occasion, it is luscious Luna K who is the target of his ire as he disturbs as she works out, confidently telling her he is going to beat her in Monica’s Wrestling Centre’s Ring Of Pain.

In their first match, the beauty destroyed him on the mats so now the skilled pro wrestler is in her most natural setting which surely will only spell bad news for our determined little hero.

And of course, it doesn't start off well for him as Luna launches a hard kick to his exposed belly to set the tone for what is to follow in this ‘match’!

To make matters even worse for Chicken Boy, he is up against someone who is as equally skilled at trash talking as she is wrestling and giving him a running commentary as she takes him apart is probably not what he wanted to hear!

And boy does Luna deliver a savage beatdown! There are elbows to his torso, leg drops, forearms to the back, head scissors, body scissors, arm bars and combination holds which have him squealing!

Believe it or not, Chicken Boy does have his moments of attack which give Luna something to be concerned about, for about a few seconds at a time before normal serve resumes of course!

The ending with Chicken Boy laid out flat and broken is no surprise and Luna certainly enjoys taunting him about it. You’d think he’d learned a lesson here but we all know he hasn’t!


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