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Ace dominates Dave - rematch


Despite having had his backside well and truly handed to him by Ace when they met in the MWC ring, Dave is still up for trying his luck against her in a rematch!

Of course, the buff Bulgarian was more than happy to oblige and let him try to prove the first hammering was a fluke!

This time, they decided to battle for the mats - no doubt Dave was hoping that a chance of location might help him in his quest for revenge.

Naturally, there was no such luck! Within seconds, Ace brings him under control and starts torturing the poor guy with her range of devastating moves.

A headlock and body scissor makes him tap out for the first time and you just know that Ace is merely warming up and preparing to bring about more and more pain to him.

Dave gets reintroduced to her cutting guillotine and incredible head scissors within the first couple of minutes of the match.

Ace is big and powerful but she is also quick and skilful which makes her a tough challenge for even the best female wrestlers around, let alone a puny little man who has bitten off way more than he can chew!

Pins, arm bars and more scissors just bring about more pain. The worrying thing for him is, at times, if feels as if she is toying with him and there are more gears for her to go through.

But when she does step on the gas, boy do we know about it as Dave cries out in pain and taps out like his life depends on it!

At no point does it look like Ace might be in trouble and Dave’s decision to go through a rematch needs to be called into question!

Ace clearly enjoys herself throughout (even pulling a victory pose and cheeky tongue bob at the camera before the end of the match) and so she should. She leaves him lying on the mats for a great win!

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